Discuss the framework for risk management and control within a company
Describe and assess the elements and structure of a successful risk management function, including the ERM roles and responsibilities of the people within an organization, and how the different groups should interact, and recommend a structure for an organization’s risk management function
Recall Module 4:
Risk subcommittee should have at least one risk management expert, usually the CRO
Recall Module 8:
3 lines of defense, risk management function and role of CRO
This module will deep dive into:
Role and responsibilities of the CRO
Issues to consider when establishing a risk management function
(RMF) or central risk function
How to embed risk management within an organization
Issues regarding the relationship between business managers
and risk management staff
Need to have effective risk governance structure at Board level
CRO’s role
Improve the effectiveness of an org.’s RM function
Filling in any gaps in the skill
, knowledge
and/or experience
in a management team
Providing additional resources for a risk management function
Being prepared to escalate issues directly to the Board w/o fear or prejudice to their own job security or remuneration
CRO will either:
Site on the Board, or;
Report to the Board through the CEO or CFO
May mean conflicts of interest inhibit communication to the Board
Add “dotted” lines can help address this if there is a clear risk escalation rules and communication protocols are established
CRO needs to have an unambiguous relationship with other C-suites
Assumed responsibility from the Board to risk management strategy and policies and monitoring
Independent from the day-to-day business
Those appointed to it should be suitably qualified
Need to have clearly defined and distinct accountabilities, responsibilities, and relationships between the Board
, risk subcommittee
and line management
Board needs to retains overall accountability for risk management even with the risk subcomm.
Delegation should go to the risk subcomm. (and not the audit subcomm.)
CRO is accountable to the Board for developing, implementing and maintaining an ERM strategy
Managing the various risk functions
Providing leadership and direction
Designing and implementing an ERM framework across the company
Ongoing risk policy development
Risk reporting (both internal and external)
Allocating capital across the firm
Communicating with stakeholders about the org.’s risk profile
Developing systems to analyze
, monitor
and manage
IAA appendix 5 for more on the roles and responsibilities of CRO 1 and job specification 2
Key skills required of CRO
Business acumen
Act professionally in the long term interests of the org.
Relevant industry experience and knowledge
To develop the ERM vision
Recruit/retain a risk management team
Communication skills:
Influence and persuade the business about ERM
Ability to act as a guardian of the org.’s assets
Technical competence:
To manage financial and operational risks
Consulting skills:
To influence and educate the Board and implement policy
Addition criteria for a risk management expert from Lam (not on syllabus) 3
Bring together existing disparate risk related teams or functions to operate under a common framework
Initial priorities
Establish clear understanding of the company’s risk tolerance
Align management’s compensation with prudent risk management
Have risk reporting channels
So that risks are assessed and information about them is shared in a timely manner
Assess gaps in the skills
, capability
and experience of the team
Determine which part of the insurer’s business increase its overall value
Link risk management to capital management
, pricing
and reserving
Provide quality information to stakeholders
Information shouldenables stakeholders to assess the financial condition of the insurer
Establish robust governance structures
Determine appropriate risk management operating model
Requirements of the CRO
Establish close working relationship with the CFO
Both have a role to play to make earnings more predictable and less likely to reduce in future
Have authority within the organization
(On, or close to the Board)
Understand the insurer’s key stakeholders
and drivers of performance
RMF can be a team with distinct functions from different part of the business
Dedicated CRF is key for successful governance models
Reports to the Board through the CRO
Team of specialist risk managers (or just 1 in a small org.)
CRF does not manage risk itself
(It’s responsibilities of line managers)
Roles of CRF:
Advice the Board on risk
Assess the overall risk being run by the business
(Accounting for hidden risks and correlations and general uncertainty)
Compare the overall risk
being run by the business with its risk appetite
Act as a central focus point for staff to report new and enhanced risks
Give guidance to line managers about the identification
and management
of risks
Make suggestions for risk responses
Monitor progress on risk management
Pull the whole picture together
Recall from Module 8
1. Offence vs defence
Setup in opposition of each other
BU maximize income
RM minimize losses
Destructive relationship
Damaging to the org. as BU and RM have opposing objectives and incentives
2. Policy and policing
BU operate within rules set by RM function
Policed by the RM
, audit
and compliance functions
Policies can become outdated
As the RM function is not in touch with day-to-day operation
Audit and compliance review do no occur continuously so may fail to identify problems
Friction between line management and RM as each fails to understand the others POV
Line management may have little incentive to report problems, policy violations and issues where it is uncertain whether a violation has occurred
Issue is mitigated somewhat by arguments of “greater good” or if incentives are linked to policy compliance and reporting violations
3. Partnership
RM staff are integrated into the BU
2 functions share some measures of performance
BU and RM staff work together in a client-consultant type relationship to manage risk
BU must recognize the benefit to long term performance of a RM function
RM staff must recognize the importance of their role as consultants (i.e. meeting the needs of the BU)
Independence may suffer
Difficult for RM staff who are integrated into the BUs to have a corporate oversight role
Appropriate governance structure depends on:
Structure of existing committees
and decision making bodies
Size and nature of the business
Risk faced by the business
Autonomy and accountability of the elements in the current corporate structure
e.g. if individual BU are run autonomously, the RM function needs to support each individual BU, rather than only operating at the “whole organization” level
Mix organizational structures
Large business’ RM function may need to split between central team
and units embedded
in each BU
Important to ensure there is no “silo” mentality
Matrix reporting framework: Each member reports to a number of people across the business
Can help avoid the silo mentality
Risk management committees should include both BU and RM staff
4 key challenges in managing the relationship between BU and RM staff
Conflict and conflict resolution
Conflict arise from different perspective of risk
(Opportunity for profit or loss?)
will want to increase volumes and pricing based on marginal cost;
will want to grow revenue and control risk and argue for full cost pricing
Management of RM staff within BUs
RM staff embedded may not be trusted by BU staff
(stuck between 2 opposing sides)
Best if the RM staff report to the BU head and have a dotted line to CRO
CRO should have input into the performance review of the risk management staff embedded in BU
Aligning incentives
Can reduce conflict
In practice it is difficult to design a suitable performance measurement and incentive systems
Measuring operational risks
Op risk can be difficult to assess and take into account in performance measurement systems
Important to ensure a common taxonomy around op-risk to help minimize the risk of confusion
5 key skills
Project management
Change management
Relationship management
Technical expertise
Sustainable ERM framework requires support by:
Process for engaging with BUs
Common risk taxonomy
Standard risk management processes
Appropriate incentives for employees (linked to agreed behaviors)
Clear monitoring and risk reporting
Risk management should be incorporated into line management processes (incl. business strategy, new product dev., product pricing, business performance measurement and remuneration)
RM should be considered when developing the plans and strategy for each BU (i.e. ask risk-foucsed questions)
What risk may prevent us from achieving our objectives?
How to assess and monitor these risk?
How to mitigate or transfer these risk?
What level of risk adjusted performance to expect?
What risk limits/tolerances should be adopted?
Who will measure and monitor the risks involved?
Benefits of addressing the questions above:
BU will focus on their key risks and way to mitigate them
Management receives advance warning of changes in the risks to which the company is exposed
Encourage RM
and line management
staff to work together at early stage in a project to address risk and business issues
Promote effective risk management by linking high level business objectives
and risk appetite
to risk reporting
(e.g. KRIs linked to KPIs)
Product development decisions rely on many assumptions about the business (e.g. likely sales, cost, etc)
Manage risk of unrealized assumptions
Set trigger points for each assumption that will trigger a specific action or plan when breached
Set specific risk committee for new product and business development, particularly when expanding into new/foreign markets
Pricing should account for all cost of risk
Expected losses
Cost of capital
Cost of risk transfer
Inaccurate pricing can lead to (adverse) selection
BU’s performance should be risk adjusted (as with the BU’s goals)
Balanced scorecard:
Integrates business
and financial reporting
and should also incorporate risk assessment along with
Key stakeholders
Internal business processes
Disclose link between executive compensation
and RM
Comp. arrangements should discourage excessive or inappropriate risk taking
Typically a separate function in financial services
Compliance with relevant laws, rules and regulations is a responsibility for all companies and their employees
Requires good knowledge of the legislationand other rules that the org. must comply
e.g. stock exchange reg., accounting standards, etc
Traded companies need to observe market conduct standards
Need systems to prevent abuse
M&A requires additional compliance
Consequence of failings
Loss of reputation
Entail providing insider information to outside investors
Provision to the market of false or misleading information
If not fully compliance, risk of non-compliance must be identified
Plan should be drawn up for achieving compliance within a suitable timescale
Need to decide whether to notify regulators in case of non compliance
Need to monitor progress towards compliance and take corrective action if necessary
Penalties for non compliance can be severe
e.g. see example on employee killing someone driving on company business
IA review the risk management process (on top of checking financial transactions and information)
IA responsibilities:
Monitor compliance with laws
and regulations
Check for system errors
Look for non-observance of internal governance codes
Examine key spreadsheets to be free of errors
Examine procedures for paying insurance premiums on time, observing insurance conditions, and ensure that there is no risk of an org. being left uncovered when a claim arises
Review the effectiveness of risk management decisions and investigate risk management failures
IA on risk management process:
The way in which risks are identified
Both on a high-level basis and day-to-day
The way in which risk are communicate from the CRF to BUs
And the other way around
Methods of risk assessment
Including the models and assumptions used to quantify risks
Choices and effectiveness of risk response
Investigations of risk management failures
Validation of the RM process by a separate entity
May be required by regulator (Basel II, SII)
Potentially provides an additional source of learning
Chief Risk Officer
The Chief Risk Officer will oversee market risk, asset/liability management, credit risk, investment risk, operational and supervisory risk and actuarial issues throughout the organisation and service the Risk Committee and its sub-committees. In accordance with the organisation’s Operating Philosophy, the role of the Chief Risk Officer is to provide:
Policy Guidance and establish Minimum Standards for the conduct of risk management activities throughout the organisation
Oversight of risk management activities across the organisation to ensure Minimum Standards are met, including monitoring of aggregate risk data
Lead the risk committee and ensure it adheres to its charter
Functional leadership for the organisation’s specialist personnel involved in risk management activities throughout the organisation to ensure a professional cadre of risk management personnel operates at high standards throughout the organisation
Monitor leading practice trends to ensure the organisations ERM program continually evolves
Research capability to ensure the organisation is kept abreast of the latest developments and harnesses such developments for the benefit of the organisation
Ensure there is an independent view on the effectiveness and efficiency of the risk management arrangements
Liaise with ratings agencies and provide the relevant information as required
Provide additional services deemed necessary by the organisation or at the request of individual operating units that does not conflict with their role
The Chief Risk Officer where necessary, challenges business decisions on key risk areas and has the ability to escalate issues that cannot be resolved with individual operating units to the Operating Units Managing Director / Chief Executive Officers. In the very rare event that a matter of significant business risk cannot be resolved with an Operating Unit Managing Director, then the matter is referred to the Chief Executive
In addition the Operating Unit Managing Directors / Chief Executive Officers ensure that appropriate consultation takes place with the Chief Risk Officer on all issues involving organisational policy or otherwise within their remit↩
Generic Role Specification
Principle Role & Accountability:
The Chief Risk Officer is responsible for the leadership, direction and coordination of the Group-wide application of risk management at INSURER including line management responsibility for [Group Risk Management, Internal Audit, Health, Safety, Welfare and Environment.] and to ensure that the principles and requirements of managing risk are consistently adopted throughout the Group, and to establish a risk management framework and appropriate resource to assist the Group in its realisation of business objectives and continual development
Principle Responsibilities:
Policy and Strategy:
To design and oversee the group-wide risk management strategy, aligning all risk management and associated internal control activities to support the delivery of shareholder value in the INSURER Group.
To present INSURER Group risk management policy for discussion and approval by the INSURER Group Risk Management Committee and/or INSURER Group Board
To canvass senior management views on the continual development of risk management across the Group and review whether organisational structure to support the INSURER Group risk management strategy remains appropriate
To maintain awareness of trends and developments in risk management that may be significant to the INSURER Group and its operating subsidiaries
To oversee the procurement of all Group insurance, broker and underwriter contracts and where appropriate, identify professional advisors to support the delivery of best practice risk management across the INSURER Group
To facilitate the integration of risk management policy and strategy into all INSURER Group business strategy and activity, including the consideration of risk management in investment decisions
Ensure that appropriate information regarding risk and internal controls is provided to the investment market including shareholders in conjunction with the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
To liaise with the Supervisors on existing regulations, new regulations and emerging regulations. Liaison will include participation in providing feedback to the Supervisors on framework and principles as well as responding to the Supervisors questions and requests
Risk Identification & Assessment:
To monitor and report to the INSURER Group Risk Management Committee on the total level of INSURER Group risk exposure
To maintain independent challenge on risk and assurance issues through the management of INSURER Group risk and assurance functions
Ensure that risk identification and assessment activities performed across the INSURER Group and operating subsidiaries are reviewed and challenged where necessary and appropriate escalation procedures are in place at the highest level
Management and Reporting Framework:
To be responsible for management and co-ordination of Group Risk Management [(to include Group Insurance), Internal audit and Health, Safety, Welfare and Environment (including Corporate Social Responsibility).]
To ensure appropriate risk management and reporting frameworks are in place across the INSURER Group and operating subsidiaries, commensurate with risks to Group
To provide an annual INSURER Group risk management performance report to the INSURER Chief Executive Officer.
Reporting and Stakeholder Engagement
To monitor the overall risk management performance at Group level and to ensure the effective and timely reporting of risk management information within the Group operating subsidiaries and at Group level
To be an attendee of the INSURER Group Risk Management Committee and ensure that the Committee engages in the development of best practice risk management across the INSURER Group
To present, discuss and challenge Strategic Risk Review summary reports, reporting key risks and associated internal control procedures, to the INSURER Group Risk Management Committee.
To represent INSURER Group risk management positions, strategy and experiences at internal and external forums to maintain a high reputation.
To develop and maintain appropriate engagement processes with INSURER Group stakeholders, and ensure that equivalent and consistent risk management processes are implemented within INSURER Group operating subsidiaries.
With Strategy & Communications and others as appropriate, to advise the investment community, Credit Rating Agencies, on risk management performance, particularly with reference to Socially Responsible Investment.
Line Support and Knowledge Sharing
To facilitate risk management knowledge and best practice sharing across the Group, with reference to external indices and benchmarks as appropriate.
To Chair the INSURER Group Risk Management Co-ordinators Forum, providing expertise and support and communicating risk and associated internal control procedures arising from the INSURER Group Risk Committee and act as an information conduit for the Forum to the Risk Management Committee
To support senior management with any aspect of risk management development and oversee key risk management training initiatives including key senior management training and to incorporate risk management into employee induction programmes
Addition criteria for a risk management expert from Lam
Understanding risk management and governance:
Setting risk appetite, risk policies and reporting
Knowledge of relevant regulation and legislation
Experience of identifying, assessing and managing risk
Knowledge of ERM and business inter-dependencies
Ability to lead, advise the Board and challenge management on risk strategies